Marketing Sector - Core Vocabulary
List #: 1856
Keywords/tags: marketing words, marketing vocabulary, marketing glossary, words for marketing, word list of marketing words
Comments: Found this list on About .com. I made it public so that you can benefit from it if your studying marketing vocabularies . If there are important words missing, click "modify list", so that you can add them.
Description: Key words and phrases from the marketing sector. A must for both teachers and students who are focusing on English for the marketing sector..
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Created: 12/21/2009
Modified: 12/21/2009
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(part 1) (30 words)
price, competitive, stock, behaviour, pattern, product, test, preference, range, strategy, switching, value, buy, buying, frequency, habit, motivation, planning, cannibalization, case history, cash, certificate, guarantee, retailer, commercial, competition, advantage, competitiveness, penetration, potential
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(part 2) (31 words)
research, segmentation, market, size, survey, goal, plan, technique, maturity, phase, memory, merchandiser, mission, niche, panel, consumer, import, index, scheme, shop, position, positioning, premium, competitor, profile, convenience, convenience store, corporate, identity, image, cost
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(part 3) (31 words)
coverage, customer, satisfaction, department store, discount, superstore, display, material, distribution, channel, distributor, empirical research, barrier, exhibition, show, buyer, limit, effect, quality, manager, policy, consume, public relations, purchase, qualitative, interview, management, random sample, random sampling, redemption, reference
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(part 4) (31 words)
repositioning, retail, outlet, sales, hypermarket, imitation, incentive, offer, interviewee, introductory, sale, market analysis, expansion, sales promotion, tactic, sell, selling, method, analysis, factor, statistical, brand, substitute, brand name, trend, unbranded, unfair, user, wholesale, wholesaler, behavior