11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT, 2010 Edition (College Test Preparation)
List #: 2227
Keywords/tags: sat prep, test preparation, sat exam, college board, college prep, study guide, sat, sat books, college, psat
Comments: The way to test your best on the SAT and PSAT is to get in lots of practice beforehand, and this resource offers you 11 prime opportunities to do just that! Other books just give you the tests themselves, along with an answer key, and then expect you to figure out why you got a question right or wrong. In this book you’ll find full explanations for every problem, using The Princeton Review’s score-improving techniques..
Publisher: Princeton Review (July 7, 2009).
Author: Princeton Review.
Subject: English.
Supporting Link: http://www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/view/426819.
Isbn: 9780375429347.
Created: 01/15/2010
Modified: 01/15/2010
(2 votes)
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(part 1) (30 words)
abrogate, abstruse, abysmal, accolade, acerbic, acumen, affable, afford, aggregate, allocate, aloof, ameliorate, anachronistic, anathema, ancillary, annul, anomaly, anthropology, antithetical, apostate, apotheosis, appropriate, archetype, ardent, ascertain, ascetic, assiduous, assuage, attrition, augury
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(part 2) (31 words)
auspices, avarice, avuncular, barometer, beguile, behest, beleaguer, belie, bellicose, bequest, blithe, broach, brusque, burgeon, buttress, cabal, cajole, calipers, candor, cannon, cantankerous, canvass, capacitor, capitulate, capricious, captious, carp, cartography, castigate, catalyst, catharsis
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(part 3) (31 words)
cavil, censure, chagrin, chicanery, chimerical, choleric, circumvent, closefisted, coalesce, cogitate, colloquial, conscript, corroborate, coterie, coy, craven, curmudgeon, dearth, debacle, deft, dehydrate, deleterious, demagogue, demography, desalinate, desiccate, diplomatic, discomfit, dither, diurnal, divisive
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(part 4) (31 words)
draconian, ebullient, eclectic, effigy, egregious, elliptical, endemic, ephemeral, equine, equivocal, ersatz, ethereal, etymology, euphonious, evanescent, evince, execrate, exhume, exonerate, expeditious, expiate, expunge, facile, fervent, feign, flaccid, florid, flout, ford, forensics, fortuitous
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(part 5) (31 words)
fracas, furrow, gaffe, galvanize, gastronomy, germane, glower, goldbrick, grandiloquent, gratuitous, glut, hackneyed, halcyon, harbinger, hedonism, hegemony, hermetic, homily, hubris, humanist, hybrid, hypodermic, idiosyncratic, ignominy, importune, inane, incantation, incarnate, incensed, inchoate, indignant
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(part 6) (31 words)
indolent, ineffable, inexorable, inoculate, insouciant, irascible, jaunt, jejune, jettison, jingoist, jurisprudence, karma, kudos, lambaste, lament, laudatory, lax, lexicon, limpid, liniment, liquidate, lugubrious, luminary, maudlin, maverick, mellifluous, mendacious, meritorious, mirth, misanthrope, mollify
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(part 7) (31 words)
moribund, narcissism, nebulous, neologism, neophyte, noisome, noxious, nuance, numerology, obdurate, obeisance, obfuscate, obsequious, odometer, olfactory, oligarchy, ornate, palliative, paltry, panacea, panache, paragon, peccadillo, pedantic, penurious, perfidy, perfunctory, pernicious, perquisite, philistine, piquant
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(part 8) (31 words)
pique, plebeian, poignant, portent, potentate, predilection, preempt, prescient, priggish, profligate, prolific, promulgate, prosaic, pugnacious, pulchritude, queue, quiescent, quintessential, quixotic, quotidian, raze, rebuke, recapitulate, recidivism, redolent, renege, retrenchment, rhetoric, sacrosanct, sanguine, sardonic
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(part 9) (31 words)
saturnine, scrupulous, semantic, semaphore, serendipity, skinflint, smidgen, somber, specious, stand, sublime, subsidy, subterfuge, supercilious, supplicate, tenable, threadbare, truculent, turbid, uncanny, unilateral, usury, vacuous, vapid, verdant, vernacular, vestige, vilify, wane, wanton, wizened