7th grade word list
List #: 3060
Keywords/tags: vocabulary word list, spelling word list 7th grade, word list for seventh grade, words 7th graders should know
Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Description: This is a list of 1,150 words seventh grade students should know. It includes words that are more academic and those that are hard to spell..
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 7th grade.
Grade Level: 7, 7th grade, seventh grade.
Created: 03/10/2010
Modified: 03/10/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
asparagus, abduct, aborigine, absurdity, absentminded, accomplishment, academically, accent, adhesive, advancement, advantageous, analytic, allegiance, anvil, cruelty, equation, assert, awareness, attainable, blight, bewildered, bewitchingly, charitable, classic, conventional, conform, corrupt, crest, craft, curved
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(part 2) (31 words)
cycle, dexterous, dictator, digestion, disagreement, disastrous, disuse, evolutionary, envelop, equipped, erroneously, exhausted, exaggerated, exaggeration, executive, exhort, fertility, flourish, frustration, gallantry, genetic, gild, graciously, goad, graciousness, haiku, heroically, hallowed, hiccup, hydrogen, immobile
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(part 3) (31 words)
indefinite, imagery, imitate, impact, indisputably, indifference, inequality, inherit, integer, interpret, seasoning, bighorn, caffeine, canister, champagne, domino, dormitory, handlebar, dulcimer, liberator, livable, lucidity, lullaby, majestic, manifest, manipulate, manipulation, manually, mellow, molecule, motivated
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(part 4) (31 words)
mourning, nuclear, obstacle, occasionally, ordinarily, part-time, partial, pensive, phantom, portable, practically, preeminent, prestige, priority, propagandist, promote, proponent, pun, purchaser, ratio, receptacle, recommend, rhythm, rouse, sanitary, sensational, serum, skeptical, showy, specifically, sphere
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(part 5) (31 words)
spurn, stampede, strenuous, sufficient, terrestrial, tabloid, temptation, tallow, tart, televise, temperate, thorough, thousandth, titter, trend, unilateral, tribute, undoubtedly, turbulence, variability, vengeance, vicious, virtue, wither, dismayed, approximate, digest, boutique, ballerina, boudoir, billboard
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(part 6) (31 words)
ewer, elf, fern, exhibition, experimentation, hockey, galaxy, gallery, gander, generator, goalkeeper, goblet, gymnastics, scow, linoleum, modem, sirloin, skein, sloth, mosquito, motorcyclist, newscast, offspring, omelet, orchid, palomino, parasite, stationery, stethoscope, passport, psoriasis
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(part 7) (31 words)
trombone, trough, pimento, python, radiator, receipts, rind, robot, silage, sombrero, sportscaster, speedometer, sprinter, tamale, tendril, valise, vent, vineyard, wildlife, ethnic, colossal, marinate, notable, pacific, pregnant, scour, arctic, arid, armory, ashen, asset
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(part 8) (31 words)
atheistic, arraign, arrogance, arsenal, artichoke, abhor, accost, abusive, accountable, abject, able-bodied, abrasion, abrupt, abscess, absurd, academic, accede, acquaint, accusation, accustomed, achievement, acknowledging, affable, acquainted, acrobatics, adolescent, affix, affliction, affray, aerial, aerie
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(part 9) (31 words)
aerobic, aerospace, aggravate, aggressive, aggressor, aghast, almighty, alien, ambiguous, air-condition, alliance, alligator, amateur, amiably, amputate, amuck, arbitration, applause, armistice, annul, aperture, apex, ascertain, authentic, anonymous, antecedent, anthem, antibody, antic, anticipate, antiseptic
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(part 10) (31 words)
apologetically, apology, archaeologist, archaeology, appraise, apprehensive, apprentice, appropriately, aqueduct, archaeological, aspiration, assail, calorie, campaign, cancellation, candid, cantankerous, canvass, casualty, chauffeur, chlorophyll, capillary, capitalist, carburetor, carcass, carnivorous, chastity, ceremonial, crave, craven, ensue
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(part 11) (31 words)
assailant, assassin, assassinate, assault, assay, attire, attraction, assimilate, asterisk, attache, astir, astutely, authorities, attentiveness, audacity, audibility, audible, audibly, audiovisual, auditory, aura, babble, baste, ballad, autumnal, auxiliary, availability, avenge, axis, bacteria, bacterial
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(part 12) (31 words)
bacterium, betrayal, banter, barb, baritone, begrudge, benediction, beneficial, beneficiary, besiege, biased, biathlon, bibliographer, bicep, biddy, blanch, bilharzia, blasphemy, bludgeon, blotch, blockade, breeder, bondage, boost, booster, bountifully, bovine, brash, breach, bred, brilliance
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(part 13) (31 words)
burnish, bristle, bristly, broadcaster, bureau, burial, buxom, cache, cartilage, cartilaginous, certification, certify, chaperon, chaperone, chaplain, characteristic, characteristically, charitably, chasm, chassis, chastisement, clamber, coma, circuit, chronicler, cinnamon, cipher, cog, clearance, clinical, collapsible
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(part 14) (31 words)
colleague, colloquially, convenience, convenient, conveniently, combustion, constrict, constriction, complexion, complicate, constrictive, constrictor, comical, comically, condescend, commentator, commercially, commissioner, compose, communicable, communism, comparative, compatibility, compatible, compatibly, competent, compiler, complaint, complicated, computation, compute
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(part 15) (31 words)
conceivable, concerti, confer, confidential, confidentially, consecutively, conservative, conscientiously, conserve, correspondent, consolation, consomme, consumable, contagious, contestant, contour, conversion, convexity, convoke, copiously, copyright, cordially, countermand, courteous, craftiness, cynical, crunch, cudgel, cumulative, curate, cylinder
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(part 16) (31 words)
daunting, dauntless, defiance, dainty, debunk, decade, decimal, decisive, delusion, defendant, deft, dejected, diplomatic, denominator, desolate, dialect, depress, depressant, descend, disciplinarian, dismantle, devotion, desirably, deteriorate, detrimental, devastation, devour, discomfit, discordant, documentation, disposable
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(part 17) (31 words)
disintegrate, dismay, donor, dissatisfy, distinctly, eardrum, divest, dominant, downcast, drab, elegy, embark, eddy, dynamic, dynasty, ecological, economize, ecosystem, edict, enmity, elliptical, elongate, embarrassment, embassy, ensure, emissaries, emit, emphatic, emphatically, evolution, encompass
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(part 18) (31 words)
engrave, endorsement, evaporate, enthrall, entice, epic, epigram, epistle, epithet, equidistant, equinox, equivalent, erroneous, essence, essential, essentially, evict, exalt, exasperating, expel, fete, exempt, exhaustive, exoneration, expertise, explicit, extol, extravagance, extroverted, exuberant, facial
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(part 19) (31 words)
facile, facilities, familial, famished, fanatic, farce, farcical, farfetched, feint, fastidiously, fastness, fatality, feasible, felon, felonious, ferociously, financial, financially, financier, fickle, fictitious, fidget, fiend, fiendish, fieriness, fiesta, fillet, finicky, fluent, fluently, fluoride
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(part 20) (31 words)
flurry, foreground, fraction, fractional, flagging, flail, fleck, fortify, flounce, foil, folklore, foolhardy, fop, foresee, forfeit, fortunately, fragile, fragility, frantically, fraternal, futilely, garnish, frenzy, fretful, friction, frugal, frustrated, frustrating, fugue, geranium, generosity
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(part 21) (31 words)
gauge, gazette, generate, genetics, genteelness, germinate, germination, gloat, grouchily, grouchiness, grouchy, gorge, graphically, gratefully, gratefulness, greasiness, grievous, grime, gullibility, guerrilla, gusto, gymnastic, habitable, harpsichord, hapless, harassment, harmonious, historically, haughtily, haughtiness, haughty
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(part 22) (31 words)
heinous, heinously, heirloom, hesitancy, hierarchical, hilarity, hogshead, holocaust, hygiene, hyperactive, idiosyncratic, impartial, idolize, immune, impregnable, hoodwink, horrifying, horticultural, horticulturist, hubbub, humane, humbleness, humbler, humbly, hundredth, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hypocrite, hypocritical, hypotenuse, hypothesis
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(part 23) (31 words)
indefatigable, infamous, ignoble, iguana, illiterate, illusion, illusory, imaginable, impotent, immediately, immense, immigrate, impair, impertinence, impetuous, inundate, impulsive, inactive, incorporation, incur, indebtedness, inefficient, inert, inevitable, infantry, influential, influenza, inheritor, inhibit, isthmus, italics
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(part 24) (31 words)
inoculate, intellect, intelligible, insistent, junction, intensive, interloper, intermission, interpretive, jostle, kernel, intricate, ivory, jeopardy, inverse, invincible, invoice, involve, ire, irk, irreconcilable, irrelevant, isolate, jibe, jointly, jovial, jubilant, lacquer, kayak, languid, scrimmage
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(part 25) (31 words)
script, secession, secluded, scoff, cask, languish, larcenous, lava, limerick, leaven, leeway, legibility, legibly, legitimate, leniently, liberate, liquefaction, liquefy, loose-leaf, livestock, lobbyist, lotion, lubricate, lucid, lucidly, menagerie, lurk, lyrically, machete, maim, maimed
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(part 26) (31 words)
majestically, mandate, maneuver, mangy, manicure, manicurist, martyrdom, marquee, masquerader, massacre, mastoid, membrane, memorandum, microscopically, mediocre, meek, melodic, merchandising, minima, meridian, merrily, meteorite, monolog, miniature, ministry, minuscule, mischance, miserly, mishap, multimedia, obliterate
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(part 27) (31 words)
morose, multicolored, mutation, mutually, mythical, narrative, octogenarian, omnipotence, omnipresent, necessity, obliging, niche, noiseless, noisy, nonchalant, nonentity, obsolete, occurrence, octave, omission, odious, operator, operetta, opus, orator, originally, originate, originator, oust, pageant, overhaul
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(part 28) (31 words)
palmetto, overwhelm, oxidation, oxygen, ozone, pall, phonetic, pamphlet, pandemonium, parched, parley, pawn, perspiration, pedestrian, percussion, perishable, permissible, persistence, pewter, photogenic, photosynthesis, pinnacle, piston, pitiable, placard, playwright, polygamy, podium, poinsettia, polysyllabic, polytheism
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(part 29) (31 words)
potpourri, populous, probation, probationary, possession, preamble, precarious, preen, preservation, priestly, prim, primitive, printout, privileged, promotion, quaintly, qualification, qualm, proficiency, proficient, random, protractor, protuberance, prohibition, prohibitionist, prolifically, promenade, prominently, promoter, propellant, prospective
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(part 30) (31 words)
prospector, provincial, provincialism, quarterback, radioactive, radioactivity, punctual, purveyor, pyre, quadrant, quartet, queasily, queasiness, queasy, query, ragamuffin, raze, quotable, quotient, ragout, ramble, ramshackle, raucous, ravine, ream, receipt, rendezvous, recessive, retard, recoil, recollection
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(part 31) (31 words)
recommendation, reenter, referee, regal, regenerate, rehabilitate, reminiscent, rhapsody, reimburse, rejoin, relish, remnant, remunerate, reorganize, repellent, repossess, reproduce, restrict, repute, requisite, resemblance, reservoir, resource, respire, retort, retouch, retrace, retrospect, reunite, revelation, rhyme
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(part 32) (31 words)
rue, rift, rigor, robust, sacrificial, sacrilegious, rowdy, rudiment, rupture, scenic, sagacious, satire, satisfactorily, scope, sequence, seclusion, secondary, sect, securities, semblance, slander, self-respect, sensation, sensual, stealthy, shank, slogan, sonnet, sheaf, skeptically, skew
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(part 33) (31 words)
shrink, significance, significant, signify, skirmish, slake, slatternly, smudge, snob, socialism, socialist, sociologist, sociology, sodden, solemn, solicit, solidification, solidify, static, sorority, spaciousness, sparse, spatial, spectacular, spectacularly, spectroscope, stimulate, sportscast, spruce, spry, squeamishness
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(part 34) (31 words)
staccato, statuette, staunch, subtrahend, sterilization, sterling, steroid, summary, termination, supersede, teem, suspicion, symbolic, sympathetic, synopses, systematic, tangent, tatter, tavern, teeter, testify, testy, theology, theorem, titanic, throttle, tirade, toboggan, tolerant, touchy, toxic
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(part 35) (31 words)
tract, traitor, tranquil, transgress, translucent, tumor, unified, transverse, tremulous, troubadour, uncompromising, twinge, unanimous, unawares, unconcerned, unfortunately, unfounded, ungainly, unison, veal, veer, unmolested, unnecessary, unrepentant, unrepresentative, unsophisticated, untimely, uranium, vacate, vacuum, variable
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(part 36) (31 words)
vertices, velocity, verge, verify, versatile, vertex, vie, vignette, void, vitality, vivacious, vivid, voluntary, waiver, wayfarer, weirdly, wheedle, wheeze, whim, wield, wretched, wreak, yawl, yokel, item, fluctuation, reinforce, Judaism, attorneys, Apennines, Carthaginian
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(part 37) (31 words)
Cypriot, Libya, patented, recognized, scheduled, Tucson, occurred, consummate, abbey, entree, manor, nosegay, incision, parfait, relic, sanctuary, terrain, trinket, trapezoid, alloy, amnesia, bouillon, diagnosis, extant, fluctuate, hoax, immaculate, inaugurate, mentor, opaque, perpetual
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(part 38) (7 words)
rapture, simultaneous, statute, vocation, accomplice, dilate, archeology