6th grade spelling words and vocabulary list
List #: 3066
Keywords/tags: 6th grade spelling words, vocabulary word list, spelling word list 6th grade, word list for sixth grade, words 6th graders should know
Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Description: This is a list of 1,300 words sixth grade students should know. It includes words that are more academic and those that are hard to spell. This sixth grade word list will prepare them for texts typically read during 6th grade..
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 6th grade.
Grade Level: 6, 6th grade, sixth grade.
Created: 03/10/2010
Modified: 03/10/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
accordance, accordion, abundance, abundant, abbreviate, abnormal, abolish, absolutely, accessible, accidental, accelerator, acceptable, acceptance, access, accurate, accustom, acknowledge, acknowledged, admittance, admonition, acquire, adorn, adulthood, advertisement, affectionate, administrate, administration, ambassador, analyze, analyzer
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(part 2) (31 words)
amble, agile, agricultural, agriculture, ajar, alleged, ambitious, agitated, ailment, alert, allied, altar, amass, anecdote, amiable, antisocial, antifreeze, applicant, application, angling, animated, annual, authentically, apparently, antagonistic, antagonize, antenna, antennae, antidote, antique, apparel
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(part 3) (31 words)
apparent, atmosphere, appearance, appetite, appreciate, appreciation, approachable, approval, apt, archeology, assurance, archery, architect, ardent, aria, atheist, athlete, array, artery, artificial, artillery, ascend, ascent, attitude, attorney, awe, awesome, assistance, assistant, associate, association
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(part 4) (31 words)
assume, asteroid, awry, balmy, authority, attendant, audacious, auditorium, autobiography, automatically, available, avert, avid, avocado, awkward, awning, axle, baffle, ballot, bankrupt, barometric, benefit, beseech, bewilder, bewitching, biannually, bias, bibliographic, bicarb, big-league, big-ticket
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(part 5) (31 words)
biggish, bigoted, biker, bilabial, billable, bitterness, biweekly, bleak, blithe, bluing, boisterous, breed, breezy, booty, borrower, bosom, botch, bounce, bountiful, brace, bravely, braveness, brawniness, brawny, breakable, briefness, brightly, brightness, budge, brilliant, bruise
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(part 6) (31 words)
bruised, bruising, broadcast, bulletin, bully, burdensome, burly, callous, cartographer, candidate, canine, capacity, capsule, caption, caricature, category, challenge, cello, chiseler, centennial, ceremonious, certificate, chagrin, changeable, character, charter, cherish, circumstance, circumstances, chiseled, civilian
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(part 7) (31 words)
civilization, clad, chorus, chowder, chrome, churn, chute, circumference, committee, clarify, clause, cleanliness, cleanly, colonel, colonial, cleave, cleverly, cleverness, clot, cluster, coarsely, coarseness, coax, collision, confused, confusedly, complement, completely, complex, comely, commendation
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(part 8) (31 words)
commercial, commission, committed, commotion, communicate, communication, compact, comparison, compassion, compelling, competence, competitor, compliment, compound, compromise, conceited, conclude, condemnation, condole, confirmation, consciousness, consequence, consequently, conservation, congratulate, congratulations, conjugation, conscious, consciously, corresponding, controversy
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(part 9) (31 words)
conspicuous, constitutional, damages, counterattack, continually, continuously, controllable, controlled, controversial, convertible, convex, convey, corps, coordination, crossbar, correspond, correspondence, counterpart, corruption, council, counselor, counterbalance, counterfeit, courtesy, cranium, cranny, croquet, craziness, credence, creditor, crescendo
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(part 10) (31 words)
customary, crisis, criticize, crustacean, crystallize, cuckold, curfew, drone, elegance, drought, drudgery, drunkenness, dual, duplicate, duration, dutiful, elasticity, elective, encouragement, encouraging, dwindle, eastward, exhibit, exist, experienced, expire, curio, curiosity, cursory, dabble, deficiency
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(part 11) (31 words)
delegate, delete, deliberate, delicious, daring, daub, debatable, debrief, debtor, defer, deceive, deceptive, decibel, decision, delirious, dedicate, dedication, deem, deservedly, definite, definition, destiny, denim, dependability, despair, diagram, dial, depression, derive, descendant, destructive
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(part 12) (31 words)
diffuse, descriptive, dismal, deviate, desirability, detached, detain, detention, determine, determined, diesel, digestible, dignified, disadvantage, dimensional, diminutive, disappearance, disappoint, disappointed, disappointment, disapproval, discontent, drastic, distinguish, distinguished, distort, disenchanted, doctrine, disintegration, distribution, disturbance
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(part 13) (31 words)
disobedience, disobedient, disrespect, dissatisfied, dissolve, distinct, distinction, distract, downstream, duly, drivel, ebb, eclipse, ecology, economical, economics, economy, ecstasy, ecstatic, embroidery, edible, edition, embitter, emblazon, emblem, eject, elaborate, elapse, elastic, elevate, eligible
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(part 14) (31 words)
eliminate, enlighten, enlightenment, enlist, enormous, eloquent, embankment, embattled, embellishment, enclosure, emigrant, emigrate, eminent, emission, emperor, employee, empower, emptiness, enamored, erect, erode, endow, endowment, endurance, engineering, engrossing, enlarge, enroll, enrollment, enthusiastic, envious
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(part 15) (31 words)
equilateral, equip, era, erosion, escort, especially, esteem, exhaust, evaporation, evasive, excessive, eyeball, eyesight, fantastic, eventually, eviction, exaggerate, existent, exclude, exceedingly, excellence, expend, festoon, exceptional, exceptionally, execute, execution, exercises, explorer, exposure, extension
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(part 16) (31 words)
external, extirpate, extraordinary, extraterrestrial, extreme, extremely, exultant, facilitate, faculty, heroic, historic, havoc, hazardous, heartily, heavily, heckle, heckler, intolerance, intolerant, interrupt, interview, interwoven, Fahrenheit, falter, familiar, famine, fascinate, fascinated, fascination, fastener, feline
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(part 17) (31 words)
feminine, fertile, fluid, founder, firmness, fluorine, forerunner, flagrant, foremost, flu, flush, foliage, foreclose, foreclosure, foreigner, foreknowledge, foreseeable, foresight, forewarn, fortunate, fracture, fragment, fraternity, fraud, garret, frequency, fret, grammar, grammatically, fruitful, fruitfully
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(part 18) (31 words)
fruitfulness, gawk, galley, galvanized, gear, gender, genius, genuinely, genuineness, glimpse, gloomily, gloominess, glorified, glorify, glut, gnarled, gnome, goal, griddle, goddess, gore, graphic, grapple, gratify, gratitude, gravel, gravitation, greasily, greeting, grieve, halo
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(part 19) (31 words)
grope, gruff, guardian, guesser, guiltily, hale, harsh, healthiness, hermit, heed, heels, heir, honorably, hostile, hesitation, hideous, hilarious, hindrance, homework, hover, immortality, horizontally, horseradish, hulking, hyphenate, hyphenation, hypnotist, hypnotize, icon, illegal, immortal
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(part 20) (31 words)
incident, initial, identical, ignition, ignorance, ignorant, illiteracy, illogical, illustrate, illustration, imaginary, imagination, incapability, incapable, immaterial, immature, immaturity, immediate, immerse, inaccessible, inaccurate, impenetrable, impertinent, imprint, inappropriate, indisputable, incompatible, incompetence, indirect, indispensable, individual
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(part 21) (31 words)
industrious, ineffectual, infect, infectious, inferior, inflatable, inflate, inflexible, innocent, inquiry, intelligence, intelligent, insinuate, insolent, installation, jeer, instinct, institute, institution, insulate, insulator, intrusion, invasion, pelt, penalty, penetrate, perceive, perception, perforate, peril, permanent
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(part 22) (31 words)
rend, recognition, recognize, repel, rehearse, reign, rein, relaxed, religious, reluctant, sportsmanship, squawk, statistics, stowaway, stead, unpaved, unruly, unscrupulous, unsubstantiated, unusually, judicial, investor, irresponsible, irritable, jackknife, jealousy, jockey, judgement, juror, juvenile, keyboard
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(part 23) (31 words)
kangaroo, legislation, legislature, knack, knickers, lacerate, lair, larvae, leisure, leisurely, laughable, law-abiding, leech, legendary, lenient, liability, license, likable, likelihood, loath, loathsome, liquor, listener, lithe, lobby, lodging, maturity, maul, masterpiece, lounge, lusciously
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(part 24) (31 words)
lush, luxury, magical, magically, magnificence, mainstay, maintenance, majority, malfunction, manageable, manuscript, martial, mobile, mobility, materially, maternal, memento, maximum, meager, mechanical, medieval, medley, melancholy, merchandise, merciful, mesa, millionaire, moisten, monastery, molar, midget
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(part 25) (31 words)
midpoint, midsummer, mildew, miscellaneous, misunderstand, minded, minimum, mirage, mirth, miscalculate, mischievous, mispronounce, mispronunciation, modification, modifier, nourish, monogram, monorail, monosyllable, monotony, monsoon, moonbeam, muddle, nag, mourn, mouthful, multiplication, mural, murmur, muster, mutilate
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(part 26) (31 words)
mutual, mysterious, myth, mythological, mythology, narrate, nasal, ointment, necessary, negotiation, neutral, obscure, oppression, nicotine, nil, nostalgic, notions, numerical, nutrition, oaf, oath, obedience, obstinate, obvious, occasion, occasional, occur, omen, opportunity, oppose, ode
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(part 27) (31 words)
offense, offensive, official, officially, ooze, opponent, orally, orb, orbit, ordinance, organization, ornate, orphanage, oversensitive, particle, paralyze, outwit, overemotional, overflow, overgrown, overjoyed, overpower, overprotect, overwhelming, participate, particularly, petition, paltry, pancreas, paradise, parentheses
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(part 28) (31 words)
passion, pathetic, patience, patriotic, patronage, pigment, planetary, perspective, persuade, peculiar, perpendicular, perseverance, petrified, petty, physical, physician, physics, picnicking, pierce, pillage, pit, postscript, pliable, plumber, pneumonia, polygon, potion, pomp, ponderous, precautionary, precede
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(part 29) (31 words)
preceding, pose, positively, possess, possibility, potential, praiseworthy, professional, precisely, predictable, prediction, preference, prejudice, preliminary, presence, propagation, propel, profound, preventable, previously, principle, prior, priory, probability, quaint, qualified, qualify, propagate, puny, pronunciation, protrude
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(part 30) (31 words)
prohibitive, prolong, prominent, promptness, prophesy, prosecute, prosecutor, prosper, prosperous, provoke, pry, psychiatry, publicity, quilted, purposeful, purposeless, pursue, pursuer, pursuit, quadrilateral, quell, quest, questionnaire, radiance, rapt, rascal, realistically, registration, ravenous, rebellion, rebuke
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(part 31) (31 words)
referred, remembrance, remittance, repetition, replica, representative, reprimand, reproach, resistance, resound, respectively, responsibility, retrieve, reversible, rheumatism, rummage, rogue, rumple, scowl, ruddy, sacrifice, scattered, scaffolding, sanctify, saturate, saturated, schedule, scheme, scheming, semicircle, semicircular
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(part 32) (31 words)
semicolon, scald, scalding, seasonally, scrimp, self-sacrifice, sentiment, scamper, scholarship, scientifically, scissors, scramble, secretarial, scrutinize, sculpture, sealer, seize, semifinal, semifinalist, semiprecious, senses, sensible, sheaves, sheen, separately, separation, sever, severance, shaft, sloppily, sloppy
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(part 33) (31 words)
shutter, shuffle, sightseeing, similar, site, slaughter, slay, solar, slur, smear, smoothly, sodium, somber, soothing, soprano, souvenir, sovereign, spacious, species, specific, specification, specify, squall, spiritual, stubbornness, spoor, sportsman, steadily, stereo, steward, stiffly
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(part 34) (31 words)
stifle, successfully, succession, suppress, substitute, supplement, thong, tact, tedium, survey, suspicious, synthesizer, thirsty, swindle, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synonym, tabulate, tabulator, temporary, textile, taint, tally, tardiness, tarry, taunt, technical, tempest, tendency, tense
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(part 35) (31 words)
tension, testimony, tether, texture, theoretical, theory, thesaurus, they're, thud, thrash, threat, threefold, thresh, timely, tolerance, torch, torment, torpid, totter, tournament, tradition, tweezers, tragedy, tragic, transistor, transmission, transplant, unify, treachery, umpire, tricolor
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(part 36) (31 words)
trivia, trivial, troupe, trousers, trustworthy, turmoil, tusk, twine, typical, typist, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, unhesitating, unavoidable, unbridled, uncanny, unconditional, unconscious, unmatched, undermine, undue, unearth, unfaltering, unfavorable, unflagging, unfortunate, uninhabited, unique, universal, unkempt, unwieldy
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(part 37) (31 words)
unyielding, uphold, uproar, vibration, vibratory, urgent, utilize, utterance, container, cauldron, chateau, chives, cocaine, guitarist, concessionaire, conductor, confetti, consumer, crocodile, cypress, crockery, cursor, cymbal, decoration, chess, hamburger, vague, vanquish, variance, variety, veil
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(part 38) (31 words)
vein, verification, vex, vicinity, videotape, vigilant, vile, virtuous, waive, wan, warrant, westward, whereupon, whet, wholly, wince, wrangler, wiry, witty, wizard, woe, woeful, zoology, wring, wrought, wrung, yoke, yonder, zest, specified, reveal
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(part 39) (31 words)
prohibit, accompanied, Christian, deferred, encryption, Celsius, Franciscan, surrendered, preferred, recommended, illustrated, accepting, acquitted, appreciated, associated, Athenian, Carmelite, deeds, Dias, dissolved, documented, elicited, executed, Gael, Flemish, Galatians, imagined, Japanese, Maltese, occasions, portrayed
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(part 40) (31 words)
Rockefeller, Scandinavia, vetoes, transferred, vacancies, bough, boulevard, bouquet, bale, barrier, billiard, bowling, cafeteria, commencement, dinosaur, doughnut, frankfurter, yachting, skis, mathematics, housing, earring, earthenware, escalator, foyer, flamingo, flashbulb, hatchet, helicopter, florist, flue
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(part 41) (31 words)
fungus, gymnasium, machinist, mallet, mane, oboe, iceberg, incinerator, intestine, jeweler, journalist, kindling, laboratory, saxophone, tombstone, lecturer, magnolia, limousine, locksmith, mayonnaise, menu, millipede, mole, missile, skiing, spigot, multitude, musician, observatory, paprika, strainer
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(part 42) (31 words)
patio, pentagon, pew, quartz, tripod, trolley, piccolo, pita, pizza, plaque, poncho, professor, projector, radar, recipe, refrigerator, rubble, scales, scanner, shuffleboard, spearmint, stag, staircase, stairway, thistle, unicycle, tuxedo, utensil, vaccine, vendor, vestibule
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(part 43) (12 words)
voucher, waitress, wand, waterway, whetstone, wreckage, wrestling, wristwatch, xylophone, donut, judgment, licence