Barron's GRE
List #: 3938
Keywords/tags: Vocabulary Workshop, level G, vocabulary, Jerome Shostak, words with definitions,vocabulary book, Sadlier-Oxford
Comments: Words found in Barron's GRE.
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series.
Author: Sharon Weiner Green and Ira K. Wolf.
Subject: English, vocabulary.
Isbn: 978-0764142000.
Created: 05/20/2010
Modified: 05/20/2010
(1 vote)
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h1 (part 1) (30 words)
abase, abash, abate, abbreviate, abdicate, aberrant, aberration, abet, abeyance, abhor, abject, abjure, ablution, abnegation, abolish, abominate, abominable, aboriginal, abortive, abrasive, abridge, abrogate, abscission, abscond, absolute, absolve, abstain, abstemious, abstinence, abstract
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h1 (part 2) (31 words)
abstruse, abusive, abut, abysmal, abyss, academic, accede, accelerate, accessible, accessory, acclaim, acclimate, acclivity, accolade, accommodate, accomplice, accord, accost, accoutre, accretion, accrue, acerbity, acetic, acidulous, acknowledge, acme, acoustics, acquiesce, acquittal, acrid, acrimonious
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h1 (part 3) (26 words)
acrophobia, actuarial, actuary, actuate, acuity, acumen, acute, adage, proverb, adamant, adapt, addendum, addiction, addle, address, adept, adhere, adherent, adjacent, adjunct, adjuration, adjutant, admonish, adorn, adroit, accouter
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h10 (part 1) (30 words)
collaborate, collate, collateral, colloquial, colloquy, collusion, colossal, colossus, combustible, comely, comestible, commandeer, commensurate, commiserate, commodious, compact, compatible, compelling, compendium, compensatory, compilation, compile, complacency, complaisant, complement, complementary, compliance, compliant, complicity, component
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h10 (part 2) (31 words)
composure, compound, comprehensive, compress, comprise, compunction, compute, concatenate, concave, concede, conceit, concentric, conception, concession, conciliatory, concise, conclusive, concoct, concomitant, concord, concur, concurrent, condescend, condign, condiments, condole, condone, conducive, conduit, confine, confiscate
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h10 (part 3) (6 words)
conflagration, confluence, conformity, congeal, congenial, congenital
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h11 (part 1) (30 words)
conglomeration, congruence, congruent, conjecture, conjugal, conjure, connivance, connoisseur, connotation, connubial, consanguinity, conscientious, conscript, consecrate, consensus, consequential, consign, consistency, console, consolidation, consonance, consort, conspiracy, constituent, constraint, construe, consummate, contagion, contaminate, contempt
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h11 (part 2) (31 words)
contend, contention, contentious, contest, context, contiguous, contortions, contrite, controvert, contumacious, contusion, convene, convention, conventional, converge, conversant, converse, convert, convex, conveyance, conviction, convivial, convoke, convoluted, cordial, corollary, corpulent, correlation, corroborate, corrode, corrosive
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h12 (part 1) (30 words)
counterpart, couple, covert, craven, credence, credulity, creed, crescendo, cringe, criteria, crypt, cryptic, culmination, culpable, cumbersome, cumulative, cupidity, curator, cursory, curtail, cynical, daunt, dauntless, dawdle, deadlock, dearth, debase, debilitate, decadence, decant
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h13 (part 1) (30 words)
decimate, decipher, decorum, decoy, decrepitude, deducible, deface, defame, default, defection, defer, deference, defiance, defile, definitive, deflect, deft, defunct, degenerate, degradation, deify, delete, deliberate, delineate, delirium, delta, delude, deluge, delusion, delusive
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h13 (part 2) (26 words)
demagogue, demean, demeanor, demented, demise, demolition, denigrate, denizen, denotation, denounce, depict, deplete, deplore, deploy, depose, deposition, depravity, deprecate, depreciate, depredation, deranged, derelict, deride, derision, derivative, dermatologist
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h14 (part 1) (30 words)
derogatory, desecrate, desiccate, desolate, despise, despoil, despondent, despot, destitute, desultory, deterrent, detonation, detraction, detrimental, deviate, devise, devoid, devotee, devout, dexterous, diabolical, dialectical, diaphanous, dichotomy, diffidence, digression, dilapidated, dilate, dilatory, dilemma
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h14 (part 2) (22 words)
diligence, dilute, diminution, din, disabuse, disapprobation, discernible, discerning, disclose, discomfit, disconsolate, discord, discordant, discourse, discredit, discrepancy, discrete, discretion, discriminating, disdain, disenfranchise, disfigure
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h15 (part 1) (30 words)
dishearten, disinclination, disinterested, disjointed, disjunction, dismember, disparage, disparate, disparity, dispassionate, dispatch, dispel, disperse, disputatious, disquietude, dissection, disseminate, dissent, dissertation, dissident, dissipate, dissuade, distend, distill, distort, diurnal, diva, diverge, diverse, diversion
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h15 (part 2) (10 words)
divest, divine, divulge, docile, doctrine, dogmatic, dolorous, dormant, dorsal, drudgery
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h16 (part 1) (30 words)
duration, dynamic, ebb, ebullient, eccentric, eccentricity, ecclesiastic, eclectic, eclipse, ecologist, economy, ecstasy, edict, eerie, efface, effectual, effeminate, effete, efficacy, effigy, effrontery, effusion, egoism, egotistical, egregious, elated, elicit, ellipsis, elliptical, eloquence
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h16 (part 2) (23 words)
elucidate, elusive, emaciated, emanate, emancipate, embargo, embark, embellish, embezzlement, embrace, embroider, embroil, embryonic, emend, emissary, emollient, emolument, empirical, encipher, enclave, encomiastic, encompass, encroachment
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h17 (part 1) (30 words)
encumber, endemic, endorse, endue, enduring, energize, enervate, enfranchise, engaging, engender, engross, enhance, enigma, enjoin, enmity, enormity, ensue, entail, enthrall, entice, entity, entomology, entreat, entrepreneur, enumerate, environ, ephemeral, epic, epicure, epilogue
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h17 (part 2) (19 words)
epitome, epoch, equable, equanimity, equilibrium, equinox, equitable, equity, erode, erotic, erroneous, erudite, escapade, espionage, esteem, estranged, etymology, eugenic, eulogistic
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h18 (part 1) (30 words)
euphemism, euphony, euthanasia, evanescent, evince, evocative, evoke, exacerbate, exacting, exalt, excise, exclaim, exculpate, execrate, execute, exemplary, exemplify, exempt, exertion, exhilarating, exhume, exigency, exiguous, exodus, exonerate, exorbitant, exorcise, exotic, expatriate, expedient
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h18 (part 2) (25 words)
expedite, expenditure, expertise, expiate, explicate, explicit, exploit, expository, exposure, expound, expurgate, extant, extemporaneous, extirpate, extort, extricate, extrinsic, extrovert, exult, fabricate, facet, facilitate, facsimile, faculty, exorcize
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h19 (18 words)
fallacious, fallible, fanaticism, fancied, fathom, fauna, feasible, feign, felon, festive, fickle, fidelity, figurative, finale, finite, fissure, flagrant, outrage
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h2 (part 1) (30 words)
adulation, adulterate, advent, adventitious, adversary, adverse, adversity, advert, advocacy, advocate, aegis, aerie, aesthetic, affable, affected, affidavit, affiliation, affinity, affirmation, affliction, affluence, affront, agape, agenda, agglomeration, aggrandize, aggregate, aghast, agility, agitate
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h2 (part 2) (31 words)
agnostic, agog, agrarian, alacrity, alchemy, alcove, alias, alienate, alimentary, alimony, allay, allege, allegiance, allegory, alleviate, alliteration, allocate, alloy, allude, allure, siren, alluvial, aloof, aloft, altercation, altruistic, amalgamate, amalgam, amass, amazon, ambidextrous
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h2 (part 3) (10 words)
ambience, ambiguous, ambivalence, amble, ambrosia, nectar, ambulatory, ameliorate, amenable, amend
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h20 (28 words)
flora, flourish, fluctuate, fluency, foreboding, foreshadow, foresight, forestall, forlorn, formality, formidable, forte, fortitude, founder, frail, franchise, fraudulent, friction, frigid, frivolous, frugality, fruition, frustrate, fugitive, fumble, fundamental, fusion, futile
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h21 (20 words)
galaxy, gale, galleon, gargoyle, gauche, genealogy, generality, generate, generic, genesis, genre, germane, germinate, gerontocracy, glacial, glib, glossary, glutton, gnome, goad
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h22 (part 1) (30 words)
graduated, grandeur, grandiloquent, grandiose, graphic, gratify, gratuitous, gratuity, gravity, gregarious, grievance, grotesque, grudging, guile, guileless, guise, gullible, gusty, gyroscope, hackneyed, hallucination, hamper, haphazard, harass, harbinger, harbor, harry, hatch, haughtiness, hazardous
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h23 (25 words)
hibernate, hierarchy, hieroglyphic, hindrance, homage, homespun, homogeneous, hostility, humane, humanitarian, humid, hybrid, hypercritical, hypocritical, hypothetical, ideology, idiosyncrasy, ignite, illicit, illuminate, illusion, illusive, illusory, imbalance, imbibe
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h24 (part 1) (30 words)
immaculate, imminent, immobility, immune, immutable, impair, impalpable, impartial, impassable, impasse, impassive, impecunious, impede, impediment, impel, impending, impenetrable, impenitent, imperative, imperceptible, imperial, impermeable, impertinent, imperturbable, impetuous, impetus, impiety, impious, implacable, implausible
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h24 (part 2) (31 words)
implement, implicate, implication, implicit, implode, implore, imply, imponderable, import, imposture, impotent, impromptu, impropriety, improvident, improvise, imprudent, impudence, impunity, inadvertently, inalienable, inanimate, inaugurate, incarcerate, incarnate, incarnation, incendiary, incense, incentive, inception, incessant, improvize
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h25 (part 1) (30 words)
incidence, incidental, incipient, incisive, incite, incline, inclined, inclusive, incognito, incoherent, incommodious, incompatible, incongruity, inconsequential, inconsistency, incontinent, incontrovertible, incorporate, incorrigible, incredulity, incredulous, increment, incriminate, incubate, incubus, inculcate, incumbent, incur, incursion, indefatigable
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h25 (part 2) (31 words)
indelible, indentation, indeterminate, indicative, indices, indict, indifferent, indigence, indigenous, indigent, indignation, indignity, indiscriminate, indisputable, indissoluble, indite, indolent, indomitable, induce, inductive, indulgent, industrious, ineffectual, inept, inequity, inevitable, infallible, infamous, infantile, infer, infiltrate
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h26 (part 1) (30 words)
infringe, ingenious, ingenuous, ingrained, ingrate, inherent, inhibit, inimitable, iniquitous, initiate, injurious, innate, innocuous, innovation, inopportune, inquisitor, insatiable, insightful, insolence, insolvent, insomnia, insubordination, insubstantial, insuperable, insurgent, insurmountable, insurrection, intangible, integral, integrate
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h26 (part 2) (22 words)
integrity, intellect, intelligentsia, inter, interdict, interim, interminable, intermittent, internecine, intervene, intimidate, intractable, intransigence, intrepid, intrinsic, introvert, intuition, inundate, invalidate, invective, inverse, invert
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h27 (28 words)
inveterate, invincible, invulnerable, iota, irksome, ironic, irreconcilable, irrefutable, irrelevant, irremediable, irreparable, irrepressible, irreproachable, irresolute, irretrievable, irreverence, irrevocable, isotope, jargon, jeopardize, jingoist, jubilation, judicious, kernel, kindle, kinetic, laborious, labyrinth
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h28 (30 words)
lament, languid, languish, languor, lascivious, latent, lateral, laud, lechery, legacy, legend, leniency, leonine, lethal, lethargic, levity, lewd, liaison, libel, libidinous, licentious, lineage, linguistic, listless, loathe, lofty, log, loiter, longevity, loquacious
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h29 (part 1) (30 words)
lucid, lucrative, lunar, magnanimity, magniloquent, magnitude, maladroit, malady, malcontent, malediction, malefactor, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, malingerer, malodorous, mammal, mammoth, manacle, mandatory, maniacal, manifest, manifesto, marital, marked, martial, martyr, masochist, materialism
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h3 (part 1) (30 words)
amenities, amiable, amicable, amiss, amity, amnesia, amnesty, amoral, amorous, amorphous, amphibian, amphitheater, ample, amplify, amputate, amok, amulet, anachronism, analgesic, analgesia, analogous, analogy, anarchist, anarchy, anathema, ancestry, anchor, ancillary, anecdote, anemia
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h3 (part 2) (31 words)
anesthetic, anguish, angular, animadversion, animated, animosity, animus, annals, anneal, annex, annihilate, annotate, annuity, annul, elope, anodyne, anoint, anomalous, anomaly, anonymity, antagonism, antecede, antecedents, antediluvian, anthem, anthology, anthropoid, anthropologist, anthropomorphic, anticlimax, antidote
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h3 (part 3) (24 words)
antipathy, antiquated, antiseptic, antithesis, anvil, apathy, ape, aperture, apex, aphasia, aphorism, apiary, hive, apiculture, apiarist, aplomb, poise, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apogee, apolitical, apoplexy, apostate, apothecary
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h30 (part 1) (30 words)
maxim, meager, mediate, mediocre, meditation, medium, melancholy, melee, memorialize, mercenary, metamorphosis, metaphor, metaphysical, meteoric, methodical, meticulous, metropolis, microcosm, migrant, migratory, militant, millennium, mimicry, minute, mirage, misanthrope, misapprehension, miscellany, misconstrue, misdemeanor
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h31 (22 words)
misogamy, misogynist, missile, mitigate, mobile, mode, molecule, momentous, momentum, monarchy, monastic, monetary, monochromatic, monotheism, monotony, mosaic, multiform, multilingual, multiplicity, muted, narcissist, narrative
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h32 (part 1) (30 words)
natation, nauseate, nautical, negate, negligence, negligible, nemesis, nocturnal, nomadic, nomenclature, nominal, noncommittal, nonentity, nostalgia, notable, notoriety, novice, noxious, nullify, obdurate, obeisance, obelisk, obese, objective, obligatory, oblique, obliterate, oblivion, obloquy, obscure
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h33 (part 1) (30 words)
obsolete, obstetrician, obstinate, obstreperous, obtuse, obviate, Occident, occult, oculist, odorous, offensive, offhand, oligarchy, ominous, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivorous, onslaught, opaque, opiate, opportune, opportunist, optician, optimist, optimum, optional, optometrist, opulence, orator
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h33 (part 2) (15 words)
oratorio, ordeal, ordinance, orient, orientation, ornate, orthodox, oscillate, ostensible, outlandish, outmoded, outspoken, outwit, overbearing, overt
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h34 (part 1) (30 words)
ovoid, pachyderm, pacifist, pacify, palette, palpable, panacea, pandemic, pandemonium, panoramic, pantomime, papyrus, paradigm, paradox, paragon, parallelism, paramount, paramour, paranoia, paraphernalia, paraphrase, parasite, parity, parody, paroxysm, parry, parsimony, partial, partiality, partition
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h34 (part 2) (9 words)
passive, pastoral, patent, pathetic, pathological, patriarch, patronize, paucity, pauper
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h35 (30 words)
pecuniary, pedagogue, pedagogy, pediatrician, peerless, penitent, penury, perceptive, peregrination, perennial, perfidious, perforate, perfunctory, perigee, perimeter, perjury, permeable, perpetual, perpetuate, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, pertinacious, pertinent, perturb, pervasive, perversion, pessimism, petty, philanderer
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h36 (part 1) (30 words)
philanthropist, phobia, phoenix, piety, pillage, pillory, pinnacle, pious, pique, pitfall, pithy, pivotal, placate, placid, platitude, platonic, plausible, pliable, pliant, plight, plutocracy, podiatrist, podium, politic, polity, polygamist, polyglot, pomposity, porous, portend
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h36 (part 2) (9 words)
potent, potential, potion, practicable, practical, pragmatic, pragmatist, preamble, precedent
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h37 (part 1) (30 words)
precept, precipice, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, precise, preclude, precocious, precursor, predator, predecessor, predetermine, predicament, preeminent, prefatory, prelude, premeditate, premise, premonition, premonitory, preponderance, preposterous, prerogative, presage, presentiment, prestige, pretext, prevalent, prey, primordial
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h37 (part 2) (28 words)
probe, probity, proclivity, procrastinate, procurement, prodigal, prodigious, prodigy, profane, profound, profusion, progenitor, prognosis, prognosticate, prohibitive, projectile, proletarian, proliferate, prolific, prologue, prolong, prominent, promontory, prone, propagate, propensity, prophetic, prophylactic
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h38 (part 1) (30 words)
proponent, propound, propriety, propulsive, proscribe, prosperity, prostrate, prototype, protract, protrude, provident, provincial, provisional, proviso, provocative, proximity, proxy, prudent, prune, pseudonym, psyche, psychiatrist, psychopathic, psychosis, pugilist, pulverize, punctilious, pungent, purgatory, purge
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h39 (part 1) (30 words)
quay, query, queue, quietude, rally, ramble, ramification, ramify, rampart, random, rapport, ratify, rationale, rationalize, ravage, ravel, raze, reactionary, realm, reaper, rebate, rebuke, recant, recapitulate, receptive, recession, recidivism, recipient, reciprocal, recluse
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h39 (part 2) (9 words)
reconcile, recondite, reconnaissance, recourse, recrimination, rectify, recumbent, recuperate, recurrent
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h4 (part 1) (30 words)
apothegm, apotheosis, appall, apparition, appease, appellation, append, application, apposite, appraise, appreciate, apprehend, apprehensive, apprise, approbation, appropriate, appurtenances, apropos, aptitude, aquiline, arable, arbiter, arbitrary, arbitrate, arboretum, arboreal, arcade, arcane, archaeology, archaic
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h4 (part 2) (31 words)
archetype, archipelago, archives, ardor, arduous, argot, aria, arid, aristocracy, armada, aromatic, arraign, array, arrears, arrhythmic, arrogance, arroyo, artery, articulate, arsenal, artifice, artisan, artless, ascendancy, ascertain, ascetic, ascribe, aseptic, ashen, asinine, askance
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h4 (part 3) (18 words)
askew, asperity, aspersion, aspirant, aspire, assail, assay, assent, assert, assiduous, assimilate, assuage, assumption, regent, assurance, asteroid, astigmatism, archeology
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h40 (part 1) (30 words)
redolent, redundant, refraction, refulgent, refute, regal, regeneration, regicide, regime, rehabilitate, reimburse, reiterate, rejuvenate, relent, relevant, relinquish, remediable, reminiscence, remiss, remission, remnant, remonstrate, remorse, remunerative, rend, render, rendezvous, rendition, renounce, renovate
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h40 (part 2) (28 words)
renown, reparable, repartee, repeal, repel, repellent, repercussion, repertoire, replenish, replete, replica, replicate, repository, reprehensible, repress, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, reprobation, reprove, repudiate, repugnance, repulsion, reputable, reputed, requiem, requisite
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h41 (part 1) (30 words)
rescind, resentment, reserve, residue, resignation, resilient, resolution, resolve, resonant, respiration, resplendent, responsiveness, restraint, resumption, resuscitate, retain, retaliate, retinue, retort, retract, retrieve, retrospective, reverent, revert, revoke, rigid, rigor, robust, rococo, rout
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h41 (part 2) (9 words)
rubble, rudimentary, rummage, rustic, rusticate, ruthless, saboteur, saccharine, sacrilegious
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h42 (part 1) (30 words)
saga, saline, salvage, sanction, sanctuary, sanguinary, sanguine, sarcasm, satellite, satiate, satire, satirical, saturate, scale, scanty, scenario, schematic, scrupulous, scrutinize, seasoned, secession, seclusion, sect, secular, sedentary, sedition, seismic, seminal, senility, sensual
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h43 (27 words)
serenity, servile, servitude, severity, shrewd, sibling, simile, simplistic, simulate, singular, sinister, skeptic, skirmish, slake, slander, sleight, sloth, sluggish, sobriety, solemnity, solicit, soliloquy, solitude, solstice, soluble, solvent, somatic
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h44 (part 1) (30 words)
somnambulist, sophist, sophisticated, sophistry, sparse, spatial, spawn, specious, spectral, spectrum, spontaneity, sporadic, squander, stagnant, stalemate, stamina, static, statute, statutory, stealth, stellar, stereotype, stipulate, stoic, stratagem, stratified, stratum, stringent, subdue, subjective
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h45 (part 1) (30 words)
subliminal, submissive, subordinate, subsequent, subservient, subside, subsidiary, subsidy, subsistence, substantial, substantiate, subtlety, succor, succumb, sultry, summation, supercilious, superficial, superfluous, superimpose, supersede, supplant, supple, suppliant, supplicate, supposition, suppress, surmise, surmount, surpass
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h45 (part 2) (15 words)
surreptitious, surveillance, sustain, sustenance, swindler, sycophant, syllogism, symmetry, synchronous, synoptic, synthesis, synthetic, tacit, tactile, tangible
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h46 (29 words)
taxonomist, tedium, temerity, temper, temperament, temperate, tempo, tenacious, tenacity, tender, tenet, tenure, termination, terminology, terrestrial, terse, thematic, theocracy, theoretical, therapeutic, thrifty, thrive, throes, thwart, timidity, timorous, titanic, title, tome
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h47 (part 1) (30 words)
torpor, touchstone, toxic, tractable, traduce, trajectory, tranquillity, transcendent, transcribe, transgression, transient, transition, transitory, translucent, transmute, transparent, traverse, treatise, tremor, tremulous, trenchant, trepidation, tribute, trifling, trigger, trite, trivia, truncate, tundra, turbulence
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h48 (part 1) (30 words)
ultimate, unaccountable, unanimity, unassailable, unassuaged, underlying, undermine, underscore, undulating, unequivocal, unerringly, unfaltering, unfeigned, unfetter, unfrock, uniformity, uninhibited, unique, universal, unprecedented, unravel, unrequited, unruly, unsavory, unwarranted, unwieldy, ursine, utopia, vagabond, vagrant
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h48 (part 2) (8 words)
valedictory, valid, validate, valor, vampire, vantage, vaporize, vehement
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h49 (29 words)
velocity, vendor, ventriloquist, venture, venturesome, verbalize, verbatim, verbiage, verbose, verge, verity, versatile, vertex, vertigo, vestige, vex, viable, vie, vigilant, vigor, viper, virile, virtual, virtue, virus, viscous, vital, vivisection, vociferous
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h5 (part 1) (30 words)
astral, astringent, astronomical, astute, asunder, asylum, asymmetric, atavism, atheistic, atone, atrocity, atrophy, attentive, attenuate, attest, attribute, attrition, atypical, audacious, audit, augment, augury, august, aureole, auroral, auspicious, austere, authenticate, authoritarian, authoritative
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h5 (part 2) (31 words)
autocratic, automaton, autonomous, autopsy, auxiliary, avalanche, avarice, avenge, aver, averse, aversion, avert, aviary, avid, avocation, avow, avuncular, awe, awful, awl, awry, axiom, azure, babble, bacchanalian, bacchanal, bacchanalia, badger, badinage, baffle, bait
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h5 (part 3) (11 words)
baleful, balk, ballast, balm, pang, balmy, banal, bandy, bane, bantering, barb
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h50 (24 words)
volition, voluble, voluminous, voracious, vortex, vulnerable, waive, warranted, warranty, wary, willful, wily, withstand, witless, wizardry, woe, worldly, wrath, wrench, xenophobia, yield, zeal, zealot, zenith
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h6 (part 1) (30 words)
bard, barefaced, unregenerate, baroque, barrage, barrister, solicitor, barterer, bask, luxuriate, bastion, bate, bauble, bawdy, beatific, bliss, beatitude, mystic, bedizen, finery, bedraggle, beeline, befuddle, fuddle, beget, begrudge, grudge, beguile, behemoth, beholden
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h6 (part 2) (31 words)
behoove, belabor, belated, beleaguer, belie, belittle, bellicose, belligerent, bemoan, bemused, benediction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolent, benign, benison, bent, bequeath, berate, bereavement, bereaved, bereft, berserk, beseech, beset, hem, besiege, besmirch
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h6 (part 3) (31 words)
bestial, bestow, betoken, token, betray, betroth, bevy, bicameral, bicker, biennial, bifurcated, bigotry, bigot, intolerant, bilious, bilk, billowing, billow, swell, surge, bivouac, bizarre, blanch, bland, blandishment, blare, screech, dazzle, blasphemy, blatant, bleak
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h7 (part 1) (30 words)
blunder, blurt, bluster, bully, bode, bogus, bohemian, boisterous, bolster, bolt, dart, gobble, bombardment, bombastic, bombast, boon, boorish, boor, bouillon, bountiful, gracious, bourgeois, bovine, bowdlerize, brackish, braggadocio, brag, braggart, brandish, bravado
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h7 (part 2) (31 words)
swagger, brawn, brawny, sturdy, brazen, brawl, breach, breadth, brevity, brindled, tawny, bristling, bristle, brittle, broach, brocade, brochure, brooch, clasp, brook, browbeat, browse, graze, skim, brunt, brusque, buccaneer, bucolic, buffet, slap, buffoonery
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h7 (part 3) (31 words)
buffoon, clown, bugaboo, bullion, bulwark, bungle, botch, buoyant, bureaucracy, burgeon, burlesque, burnish, buttress, prop, buxom, plump, cabal, cache, cacophonous, cadaver, cadaverous, cadence, cajole, coax, calamity, calculated, cauldron, caliber, calligraphy, callous, callus
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h7 (part 4) (15 words)
callow, calorific, calumny, camaraderie, cameo, canard, candor, canine, canker, ulcer, canny, cant, cantankerous, cantata, canter
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h8 (part 1) (30 words)
canto, canvass, capacious, capacity, capillary, capitulate, caprice, capricious, caption, captious, carafe, carapace, karat, carcinogenic, cardinal, cardiologist, careen, career, sway, caricature, carillon, carnage, carnal, carnivorous, carousal, carping, carrion, cartographer, cascade, caste
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h8 (part 2) (31 words)
castigation, casualty, casual, cataclysm, catalyst, catapult, hurl, cataract, catastrophe, catcall, catechism, categorical, qualify, catharsis, cathartic, catholic, caucus, calk, causal, caustic, cauterize, cavalcade, cavalier, cavil, cede, celerity, celestial, hereafter, afterlife, celibate, censor
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h8 (part 3) (21 words)
censorious, censure, centaur, centigrade, centrifugal, centrifuge, centripetal, centurion, cerebral, cerebration, ceremonious, unceremonious, certitude, cessation, cession, chafe, chaff, chaffing, chagrin, chalice, chameleon
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h9 (part 1) (30 words)
champion, championship, chaotic, charisma, charlatan, chary, chase, chasm, chassis, chaste, chasten, chastise, chauvinist, check, checkered, cherubic, chicanery, chide, chimerical, chisel, chip, chivalrous, choleric, choreography, chore, chortle, chuckle, chronic, chronicle, churlish
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h9 (part 2) (31 words)
ciliated, cipher, circlet, circuitous, circuit, circumlocution, circumscribe, circumspect, circumvent, cistern, citadel, cite, civil, clairvoyant, hindsight, clamber, clamor, clandestine, claustrophobia, cleave, climactic, cloister, cloying, coalesce, coalition, codify, coercion, cogent, cogitate, cognate, cognitive