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Study tipsAn estimated 35% of students are so nervous before high-stakes tests that it impairs their performance, says this article from the Wall Street Journal.
Great insights on how to best prepare for a high-stakes test from The Wall Street Journal.

Did your teachers teach you these in school?
Can you share other good study tips?

Posted by Rosevita Warda in Abitur, ACT, GED, GRE, how to learn, IELTS, SAT, self-development, test, TOEFL, your brain.

4 Responses to Study tips to ace the test

  1. lsquirt213 says:

    As an adult educator, I “re-teach” studying habits and how to conquer exams. Over the 11+ years I have had more student comments, compliments and even more importantly, student success with this test taking tool. Before I begin I explain to the students/adults that what I am about to show/teach them may make them feel as if they have returned to the first grade…but bear with me. What is this tool? Learning how to read text books. Many people treat textbooks the same as a mystery novel or love story…they “jump right in.” A textbook requires the student to “prepare” … aka …”read” the Preface. Textbooks are designed to help the student understand new concepts. When the student understands how to use the textbook and all that it has to offer, learning can actually be easier and sometimes very entertaining. So as a teacher know your textbooks and all that they have to offer. In my particular area of study, textbooks offer videos, additional on-line explanations, quizzes, and even games. Make these additional resources a requirement. Either in the classroom or as homework. Most of the on-line book resources have some type of testing review. I use these questions to show my students how to READ the question. What does that mean? Students need to know “what” the question is asking. In order to find this, the student must read the entire question and sometimes more than once. Teach students how to find the “key” word, words, or statement within each question. I also explain how to read each answer while applying it to the original question. It can become a simple process of elimination, until the “key” word in the question matches up with the “key” word in the correct answer. This method can help the student, even if they do not know the meaning/action of the key word. Again, they apply this method while reading each answer, and can eliminate 1 or 2 incorrect answers, and have a better “chance” of finding the correct answer. I have found that once students understand this concept, anxiety and worry (with practice and time) tend to disappear.

  2. Yan55555 says:

    yes,vocabulary is very important

  3. simplice says:

    please I need a idea about getting a best study Reasoning and Ability, Reading Comprehension..

    • admin says:

      Hi! Reasoning ability and reading comprehension start with a strong vocabulary. That will help you to read and understand the ideas expressed. Vocabulary tutoring on this site is free, so why not try it out?

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